Walking in the light

Dedicated to preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, eternal security, and grace through faith alone. I will forever expose false prophets and heretics on my blog. God bless you all.

God condemns warfare!

‭‭James‬ ‭4:1‭-‬3‬ ‭KJV‬‬
[1] From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members? [2] Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not. [3] Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.

We’re living in a day where many Christians, even Fundamental Baptists, approve of warfare and the genocide that comes along with it. I find it very repulsive that my own brethren think like this and even try justifying it with the Bible! Many Christians, and even pastors, praise the Gulf war and commend George Bush for the war on terror. I’m disgusted by this! Listen to me, Christian: do your homework. Mr. Bush was behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the Bin Laden family had connections with him and his father.


This afternoon, I’m not trying to discuss conspiracy theories, despite me wholeheartedly believing they’re real. Rather, I am going to debunk the issue with warfare while citing various Bible verses to prove my case. I think it’s time for Fundamental Baptists to read an actual thesis from the holy scriptures against their neocon, pro-warfare philosophy. And as I tell everyone, you should always be willing to change your beliefs when someone shows you in the Bible that your theology goes against scripture. Remember, the Bible says to be humble and receive correction!

Proverbs 6:23 For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life: 

First, James 4 talks about believers in church who go to war with each other and kill each other over it. Notice, the Bible reveals to us the reason for warfare; it is lust. Evil men who want to conquer and enslave other nations for power and control start unjust wars that end with many fatalities. Not only that, but most wars in the past were influenced by blood money as well. We can agree to disagree, but as brother Chuck Baldwin once said, “All wars are bankers wars.” I couldn’t agree more. It’s the big bankers who stage every war in the world today.

The fact is that evil lusts empower unjust wars and this should encourage us Christians to keep out of it. Remember, lust brings forth sin, and then comes death (James 1:15 KJV). Let’s not forget, brethren, that the Bible condemns the love of money (1 Timothy 6:10 KJV). It is the adoration of wealth that causes men and women to err from the faith, causing them to do evil things just to gain the almighty dollar. War is one of those things at the top of their list, and with it, they became more powerful than ever before.


Second, the Bible says we should be at peace with all men (Romans 12:18). The word peace is defined in this context as “Harmony; concord; a state of reconciliation between parties at variance” according to the Webster’s Dictionary 1828. God does not want us to be at war with the brethren, nor with the unsaved heathens as well. He tells us to love all men and even the family of God (1 Thessalonians 3:12; 1 Thessalonians 5:15; 2 Timothy 2:24) Christ teaches us to be a peacemaker (Matthew 5:9) and the way to bring peace between man and God is by preaching the gospel to them (1 Timothy 2:5; John 14:6; Ephesians 6:15). You can’t be at peace with all of humanity if you’re constantly going to war with them, conquering their lands, and butchering their citizens. This is not the love of Christ! The Bible tells us not to kill (Exodus 20:13); innocent people are killed every time in unjust wars. Let us not forget, brethren, that Jesus is the Prince of peace (Isaiah 9:6), we should follow His example. Christ came to preach the gospel of glad tidings for men to be reconciled with the Father. This should be our attitude (Luke 4:18 KJV).

Third, the devil has an influence on warfare (Revelation 12:7). Satan loves division, and it is he who stirs up hatred against other nations. He is a very divisive creature. The Bible tells us this (John 10:12; Romans 16:17-18; Mark 4:15). He loves it when good soul winning churches split hairs over minor things, even when it doesn’t affect our salvation. I have seen foolish pastors in the past denounce the salvation of other preachers just because they don’t believe Jesus suffered in hell.

I agree with these preachers when they say Christ suffered in hell for us, but I am not going to label other pastors as heretics just because they don’t view this doctrine the same with me. The word of God tells us that if you believe Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and rose again from the dead three days and three nights later, then you are saved. No one should reprobate you over a disagreement regarding where Jesus went to after he died on the cross. That’s being petty!

Which is why I believe the devil is heavily involved with warfare in today’s world. The Bible tells us that hatred is a work of the flesh (Galatians 5:19-20). This same passage of scripture tells us that variance is also another work of the flesh. The word variance is synonymous with the word division or discord. Both deeds go hand in hand; many nations fight against each other because they abhor each other. They despise one another!

Let’s not forget also, brethren, that many of these warmongers are demon possessed. I have seen countless photos of Joseph Stalin using the hidden hand symbol; that says a lot about him and who he worshipped!

If you research the hidden hand on your own time, you will find that the hidden hand is a symbol that many secret societies use at their private meetings, even in public. Most secret societies are satanic cults who worship Baal and other false gods. They don’t reverence the true God! I have heard of Free Masons and other cults on YouTube profess to be Christians; this is false! It doesn’t surprise me when world leaders are throwing up baphomet horns in their pictures; this shows their true colors and who they actually work for. I have said it before and I will say it again: the New World Order appoints leaders, not the people themselves. Whether you vote right or left in the year 2024, it does not make a difference because the globalist are the ones who elect leaders. It has always been that way. This is what is most commonly known as the “Deep State” or “The Cabal”. Do not be fooled, brethren, your vote doesn’t count.

In conclusion, it is very important for us to remember the great commission and what churches are established for, which is soul winning. Christ told us to go and preach the gospel to every creature, win them to the Lord, and get them baptized (Mark 16:15; Luke 24:47). We are called to preach the gospel to all nations, not terrorize them! I agree with nations defending themselves against a foreign invasion, there are exceptions for it in the Bible (2 Kings 3:24). Self-defense is in the Bible and we the people should always be ready to defend those around us, including our nation (Luke 11:21; Luke 10:30-37). Do I believe that we should invade other countries and commit casualties against innocent lives? I think not! We should find peace with other countries instead of attacking them for unjust reasons (Luke 14:32). I am a missionary and I love reaching foreigners with the gospel of Jesus Christ, especially in third-world countries like the Philippines. I am not trying to destroy peoples lives; I am trying to win them to Christ! Brethren do not believe the lies of Fox News, CNN, and other news media outlets. Search the scriptures, for they speak the truth in Christ. God bless you all.


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